Snow More Dodgy Steering

It’s the middle of March and it’s snowing. Again. The snow also dissuaded me from taking Clarence up to Coniston when we went up for my birthday last month. It was probably the right call, although I’m not sure Matt would thank me for making him take his new car down the road from Langdale …

More Rubber, More Pie

Once again I’ve had to restore the site from a back up after the planned migration to WordPress didn’t really go so well. Whilst moving the actual content was pretty simple, shifting and managing the images wasn’t going to work as well as it does with the current CMS so I’ll be sticking to that …

A Little Rant, Some Rubber and Spring Dub 2015

After wasting at least an hour of my time this evening, today’s lesson is don’t try and take shortcuts and make sure you back up before making any fundamental changes to your website! Fortunately I did make a back up of the site, otherwise there’s every chance I would have thrown the laptop from my …